Become a member and enjoy hosting your corporate events at 1014 Fifth Avenue, as well other benefits.
Membership Tiers
- Use of premises and world-class amenities for corporate retreats, receptions, lunches, and/or dinners twice per year
- Four free individual Patron memberships for corporate team
- Invitation of four corporate representatives to annual President’s Dinner and other exclusive events and networking opportunities
- One exclusive tour per year for a group of 25 guests of a 1014 exhibition by curator or artist

- Use of premises and world-class amenities for corporate retreats, receptions, lunches, and/or dinners once per year
- Two free individual Patron memberships for corporate team
- Invitation of two corporate representatives to annual President’s Dinner and other exclusive events and networking opportunities

- One free individual Patron memberships for corporate team
- Invitation of one corporate representative to annual President’s Dinner and other exclusive events and networking opportunities